Lifestyles and the economy have been growing ever more electrified. As climate change amplifies extremes of weather, a storm’s fallout in Texas is a lesson in the need for resilience.
Pedro Martinez grew up in a low-income, Hispanic school district. He feels strongly that getting students into college is important – but keeping them there is also a school district responsibility.
The legal fallout from the Jan. 6 Capitol invasion is likely to reach hundreds of cases. It could also affect the free speech rights of Americans and shatter one last political norm.
Understanding how the coronavirus threatens the lives of prisoners and prison officers is crucial to combating its spread and to safeguarding incarcerated people.
A dedication to protecting the land has been a hallmark of Native American leaders – but so also have bipartisanship and pragmatism. Whichever party is in power, tribes have had to work with them. In an era of deeply divided government, those tools are needed.
The takeover of the Texas GOP by retired Lt. Col. Allen West – a Black Republican of unbending principles – mirrors President Donald Trump’s takeover of the party at the national level. The colonel’s popularity with the grassroots is a window on how Trumpism can survive the Trump presidency.
Texas has filed a lawsuit aimed at invalidating several states’ presidential results. It could be classified as simply hardball politics. But many say that it is flatly anti-democratic.
With the Trump campaign filing a flurry of legal challenges in multiple states, the election is “clearly moving from the political to the legal,” says legal commentator Jonathan Turley.
Breonna Taylor’s killing has heightened public concern across the ideological spectrum that the paramilitary mindset that pervades modern American policing endangers citizens rather than protects them.
Whether it’s GrandPad tablets for doctor visits, virtual bingo, or city hall advocacy, this octogenarian knows how to help older people. Pandemic demands for senior citizen services brought her out of retirement.