Femme Fatale: Wrestling as Art

BarnstormerIn a few hours, the doors will open to the Centre Sportif St-Barthélemy, and several hundred people – an eclectic mix of professional wrestling purists and assholes – will pour into the main gym space for Femmes Fatales IX, the only all women’s wrestling promotion in Canada and the second biggest in North America.


LuFisto (real name Jenn Goulet, but real names don’t really belong in a story like this) is perched on the top rope a few feet from me, her back to empty folding chairs soon to be packed with the aforementioned purists and assholes. I’m distracted by a wrestler standing off to my right, playing with a live snake.

“If you don’t want to do it, it’s fine,” says her opponent for the night, Mercedes Martinez, standing by the metal guard railing outside the ring…

Click here to read the full story.

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